Well, I'm off to
Amman, Jordan tomorrow night and that is where my
posts will be dispatching from all of next week. I am really looking forward
not only to getting together with family and friends but also to nosing around
the capital's bookstores and getting my hands on some of the Arabic written
books I have been coveting for a while. Up there on my list is Jordanian writer
and author Hisham al-Bustani. I became aware of Hisham's story
'Nightmares of the City' last year translated into English by translator Thorayya
El-Rayiss and have since been really looking forward to reading his prose in
Arabic. Will let you know how that gets along but until then you can watch a
video of him reading -in English- an excerpt of on of the stories from his
latest book "The Perception of Meaning" by clicking

Of course, due to my trip, I won't be in
London this weekend so I will be missing
London's Children's Bookswap annual
event taking place this Saturday Feb.9 at various locations around London. I
was due to go to the one being held at London's Southbank Centre. For those of
you unfamiliar with the event, this is a giant book swap where children aged
5-11 bring along their books to swap for other ones. Great for mums and dads
looking to have a clear-out as well. The event is free and for more information
about this particular venue, click
HERE and click
HERE for all other participating venues.
Remember folks, it's Valentine's Day tomorrow (this lady is flying all the way to the Rose City for it) and if you're wondering what to give that someone on this special day, I suggest books, books, books. Think 'The Dark Side of Love' by Rafik Shami, 'Anna Karenina' by Tolstoy, 'Wild Swans' by Jung Chang, and my favourite 'Birdsong' by Julian Faulks. And if you'r wondering what to write in that blasted blank but too cute not to get card then this
website should help you!
Have a fab day everyone!
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